You'll find some material related to circus and carnival, but you'll also find some links to some video that I find funny. Anything goes as long as I find it interesting!
WELCOME... 2010 is a new year and one of my goals is to revive my short lived blog. You know, the one that I posted to 40 times a day for six weeks and then went over a year and a half without any significant post. Yeah, that one.
WHERE DO I FIND THE MATERIAL... Youtube, Flickr, PhotoBucket, PBase, Webshots, etc. I will never take credit for taking the pictures I post, unless I take them :)
CONTACTING ME... If you want to contribute or have any comments or concerns, let me know!
Is this Anthony Thomas?
it is indeed. These photos are from 2003 and the head pieces that year featured the harley Davidson logo.
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